24.02.2010 Новые коллекции Top Gear, Top Gear Junior, Navigator сезона 2010
Уважаемые партнёры! Мы рады сообщить Вам, что в преддверии велосезона-2010 мы обновили коллекции наших велосипедов, качественно усовершенствовав их.
Коллекции Navigator и Top Gear Junior 2010 – это детские велосипеды, которыми Вы можете гордиться. Мы сделали решающий шаг и перешли на новый виток качества – полное соответствие Европейскому стандарту. В коллекции Navigator представлены самокаты и велосипеды среднего ценного сегмента (включая бюджетные модели с колёсами EVA), в коллекции Top Gear Junior - велосипеды люксового сегмента – копии взрослых по комплектации, но предназначенные для детей.
В 2010 году мы расширили спектр моделей взрослых велосипедов Top Gear, усилили ориентацию на доступные потребителю цены, ввели в ассортимент новые дизайны рам и модели с нержавеющими спицами.
Узнать более подробные характеристики новой продукции Вы сможете, посетив раздел «Преимущества».
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23.01.2008 VMZ “Yantar” at the Nurnberg Toy Fair
Russian bicycle factory «Yantar» (Kaliningrad) presents modern bicycles for children and youth at the popular International Toy Fair Spielwarenmesse (Nurnberg, Germany). Welcome to Hall 7 Stand E-05!
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05.06.2007 “Yantar” – bicycle race sponsor in Penza
Bicycle factory “Yantar” was the official sponsor of multi-day race for Penza region governor’s award among men, juniors and veterans.
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The prototype of the modern bicycle, the so-called “célérifère” (literally – speed producer), first appeared in France in 1791. That invention of Comte de Sivrac could hardly resemble the modern bicycle: it was a kick scooter with a wooden frame and without pedals and handlebars. There was no steering so they could ride it only straight ahead kicking the ground with a foot.
Bicycle factory “Yantar”
The new manufacture of Russian bicycles started in Kaliningrad in 2005. The factory achieved much success during the two years of intensive development. Nowadays the factory produces a wide range of children’s bicycles NAVIGATOR, and teen and adult bicycles TOP GEAR. |
TOP GEAR bicycles
TOP GEAR is the brand of teen and adult bicycles with the following key features: high quality, innovative design and excellent riding characteristics. TOP GEAR 2007 includes bicycles for different styles of riding to meet the requirements of a wide range of customers. For those who prefer quiet ride there is a wide variety of comfortable bicycles, for sports ride there are cross-country models, for extreme riders – back-country and free ride. |
NAVIGATOR bicycles
Collection NAVIGATOR 2007 includes more than 100 models and consists of three main series: “Lady” for girls, “Patriot” for boys and multipurpose “Fortuna”.
Each series has two sets: basic and premium-class with additional accessories. All bicycles have modern design: frames are just like the ones of mountain bikes, and the variety of colors has become wider due to popular dull colors.
TOP GEAR – winner’s choice
During extreme field test the new model (2007) of TOP GEAR bicycle approved itself to be a strong competitor within its class and an undisputed leader in some features and performance characteristics. |